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Senior Driver

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Driving Assessments and consultation for seniors

How can you improve your driver skills as you age?

1. Evaluate and understand how aging affects your driving.

Seniors who experience any of the following should consider undergoing a driving evaluation:

Slower Reaction Times

Delayed responses to unexpected or sudden changes in driving conditions.

Decreased Attention Span

Difficulty in maintaining focus on driving for extended periods.

Impaired Reflexes

Lagging responses that are crucial for quick decision-making on the road.

Physical Limitations

Stiff joints, weak muscles, or other conditions that can affect the ability to control a vehicle.

Vision and Hearing Impairments

Poor eyesight, diminished night vision, or hearing problems that can compromise driving safety.

Cognitive Changes

Reduced memory, poor decision-making skills, forgetfulness, or confusion while driving.

Medication Effects

Side effects from medications that can lead to drowsiness or other impairments affecting driving abilities.

Increased Incident Reports

A rise in accidents, near misses, or minor crashes could indicate declining driving skills.

Major Medical Changes

Recent illnesses or medical events that could impact physical or cognitive functions necessary for driving.

Emotional Changes

Increased anxiety, agitation, or frequent falls which might suggest broader issues affecting overall mobility and safety.

2. Act now to be proactive and advance your skills

Contact our team for a personalized Driver Evaluation to assess your individual functioning and provide a clinical and behind the wheel assessment of you or your loved one’s fitness to drive.

What Does the Evaluation Involve?

Our team of qualified professionals complete a senior driver evaluation with you or your loved one. This evaluation includes several components:

Process and Registration

Interested in getting started with Adaptable Therapy?

Steps to getting started:
  1. Give us a call to discuss your driving needs and questions.
  2. Let us help you with obtaining an order from your physician.
  3. We will meet you on the day of the appointment at your home or one of our community settings.
  4. A Clinical Evaluation and Behind the Wheel Assessment will be completed on the day of your appointment in our rehab vehicle.
  5. At the end we will review the results and work together to develop a plan to move forward toward your mobility goals.
  6. Following your visit the report will be sent to your physician and identified care team as needed. The results will be reviewed to assist with determining fitness to drive and next steps. Some recommendations may include additional training sessions and/or adaptive equipment for the vehicle. Consultation on community mobility and alternate transportation options will be reviewed for clients who are recommended to retire from driving.
Get Started today by completing our Online Interest Form

Referral and Scheduling

To enroll in our program, you will need a prescription from your physician for “OT/PT Driving Evaluation and Training”. We will assist you in getting this order from your doctor. You will also need a valid driver’s license or learner’s permit. Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions below for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our driver rehabilitation professionals are experienced occupational and physical therapists with advanced training in driving rehabilitation. We provide driving evaluations to determine safe goals for travel.

Why choose us?

  • We are with you every step of the way to help you feel safe & confident behind the driver’s seat.
  • We meet you at your home and work with you in your own community.
  • We help you find equipment to make driving easier.

Medical conditions can change the way we move, think, and see. If you show any of these changes or other characteristics, you may benefit from a driving evaluation with Adaptable Therapy Services:

  • Slower reaction time
  • Shorter attention span
  • Lagging reflexes
  • Stiff joints or weak muscles
  • Poor eyesight
  • Diminished night vision
  • Hearing problems
  • Reduced memory
  • Poor decision-making skills
  • Forgetfulness
  • Drowsiness or medication effects
  • Increase in accidents or near misses
  • Physical impairments
  • Recent major medical illnesses or events
  • Increased anxiety and agitation
  • Frequent

A driving evaluation is an evaluation of an individual’s driving. It includes 3 main steps.

Step 1: A review of clinical testing of sensation, vision, movement, & thinking.

Step 2: A behind-the-wheel assessment in our driving rehab vehicle.

Step 3: Discussion of outcomes.

At Adaptable Therapy Services payments for services is self-pay. Cost is based on a flat rate service fee and any travel fees. These costs will be reviewed with client and when possible alternative meeting locations or payment options will be presented.

We do not accept private insurance or Medicare. You may request a medical invoice to submit to your insurance on your own but there are no guarantee that any services would be covered.

Payment methods accepted are check, cash, debit and credit cards. We also accept Health Savings cards (HSA cards). For debit and credit cards there is a processing fee. All payment methods are subject to our cancellation policy.

When possible, we provide our clients with up-to-date resources for funding opportunities but it is up to clients to pursue these opportunities and there are no guarantees they will qualify for the grants and funds.
Step 2 of the driving evaluation takes place in our driving rehab car. We use our car because it has special equipment for added safety. Don’t worry! We appreciate that driving someone else’s car requires adjustment. Therefore, the first thing we will do is give you time to get use to our car. Then, once you are ready, the evaluation will begin.
During step 3 of the driving evaluation, we will talk to you and your family member about your outcome. Your DRS will talk about patterns of safety or concern with driving. Outcomes may include return or continue driving, additional driving training, hold on driving with plans for re-evaluation, or driving retirement.
No, as specialists, we evaluate your performance with driving and any impact from illness or injury. We work with you, your family, and doctor to help determine safe goals with driving. At times we will be asked to send reports to the department of motor vehicle, but we will always discuss this with you first. The department of motor vehicle is the licensing agency holds all authority for your driver’s license.
Are you thinking you might need equipment for driving? We can help with that too! Our driver rehab professionals are skilled at identifying and training drivers to use a range of equipment including hand controls, left foot accelerator, and steering devices. Adaptive driving equipment training involves a comprehensive driving evaluation, individualized training, support for state’s relicensing process, equipment prescription, and fitting to ensure equipment works in your own vehicle.
It is recommended that you follow up with a certified installer for mobility equipment. We can provide you with a comprehensive list of providers in your area. Once you complete the evaluation and training on the recommended equipment then you’re driving professional will give you an order to get equipment installed based on your specific needs and the setup needed for your vehicle. You can go to any vendor to have this equipment installed and we recommended a vehicle fitting appointment with your Driving Specialist to ensure proper setup.
Here at Adaptable Therapy we try to update and inform therapists and students on resources to increase access for their patients to community mobility. To learn more about the field of driver rehab visit, the website for the Association of Driving Rehab Specialists at www.aded.net.



Providing Adaptable Driving and Senior Driver Evaluations in Georgia